News and good wishes from Kopila
We were looking forward to Wendy didi returning because we had finished our work and were waiting to spend some time developing new designs and looking at our future plans. On Tuesday, we opened our office as usual and all the bahinis arrived and we sat together to make a plan about how to welcome didi. Pramila was very excited to design a hand-written welcome sign which was very beautiful. Other bahini haru bought bouquets and garlands of flowers.We hired one taxi to go to Chandragadi airport but it was bigger than we thought and we could seat more ladies. Bahini were very happy to get in the car. On the way, Rita and Ambika said to me that they hadn't ever been to an airport or seen a plane before. When the plane landed they were so excited and wanted to get very close to see it. They were very disappointed when security guard didn't allow them to get near the barrier. They were still happy to see a plane!Then we welcomed didi and had many photos with all of us and the driver and we came straight to the office for a big welcome celebration. It was nearly time to close the office so we didn't have lots of time to talk but it quickly seemed like Wendy didi had not
been gone for long!Even though many offices were closing for Dashain, we were open for 7 days to make the use of the time. We are making many samples for a lady in America who may be interested in buying our work. In the meantime, the Board met to plan our special 6 month training program where we hope to help 20 women who are all victims of violence, to learn how to earn their income. Most of what will fund this training, will be the resources raised from selling our jewellery. This training will be held in a few months so in this auspicious festival time, I would heartily request to all our friends of Samunnat to buy at least one
mala from our store as soon as it opens again in December, so we can raise the $10,000 we need to run our program. We have already raised some of the money but need to raise more.We wish to you all (very good wishes) for this time of Dashain and Diwali.