Working to study

Often, the only two options available to girls living in poverty is early arranged marriage or unsafe and poorly paid labouring work and often, either of these options would make them very vulnerable.  We see part of our role as PREVENTION and this story highlights that!KS lived in a border community some 40km from our office. She was from a family of 7- a mother and 5 daughters with only one son.  Of the girls, KS really wanted to study but her mother couldn't afford to send her to school. She decided to leave home, get work asa labourer and pay for her education. Labouring work is often unsafe and puts young girls in very vulnerable situations. As Kopila writes: she is so brave girl she left her home and start to find the place where she can earn and study. She watched the pink uniformed Samunnat ladies as they passed where she was labouring and after her work she asked our Durga in the tailoring office about Samunnat. Durga told her she must come to us for help and she did! We have organised her accommodation and she is now attending a government school where we don't have to pay monthly fees but can spend extra money on coaching, uniform, study facilities and food.  She now has admission in class 9.KS is determined to get an education and has shown incredible courage to get this far. We can help prevent KS from becoming another statistic in Nepal's record of women who have experienced violence. We are excited to see what happens next for KS.


Working cooperatively


Breaking down class barriers and empowering others