Breaking down class barriers and empowering others
In theory class is illegal in Nepal but in practice it exists very strongly. Samunnat Nepal works so hard to break down class barriers and to obtain rights for women whatever their class. Today we tell you about a really enterprising and courageous young lady who from the Dalit community. She is happy for us to share her story. Parbata was experiencing abuse and moved back to live with her mother. Soon after, she came to our office for help. Surprisingly, she has completed year 12 at school. This is a high achievement. Kopila writes: I asked her about her interest and she said she want to have training in Radio Journalism. So I talked with a Radio
FM coordinator. He was very positive and called her in his FM station. He agreed to offer some training and Samunnat Nepal will provide her with a bicycle and some khaja (food) money.Parbata wants to use her job to encourage and empower women and make programs to tell them their rights.