#polymerartchallenge 1 and see us at work

The lovely Sabine Spiesser (read more about Sabine's loveliness here) told us that we DSCN2303have been nominated to share some of our work in Donna Greenberg's Facebook based Polymer Art Challenge.  For five days, an artist (or group of artists in our case!) posts a photo of their work and nominates another artist to do the same thing. Fabulous idea!Sabine has offered to do our posting as we were nominated by the divine Ron Lehocky and someone else Sabine is finding for us! Thank you both anyway!!!We posted this photo because it reminds us of a wonderful time we had playing aroundDSCN2286 with a new technique and just having fun! We laughed a lot and someone suggested that these beads bought out wild women in us!  We thought Sita looked magnificent wearing them!We nominated Cynthia Tinapple even though we know she would have already been nominated but it was a way of acknowledging how special she is to us! I am not sure if this link works but maybe it will lead you to the work of many artists! Thank you Sabine!And we know we are hitting you with a lot of videos but you should know us by now...feast or famine! See us working in our new room. Hear us chatter, get to know us! At the very end of the video clip you can see Yashoda and Samjhana, two of our newest ladies.  Yashoda lives in the building and Yashoda makes sure we are never wanting for a cup of tea!  More tomorrow!BTW, I think I have got my days mixed up but you can live with that! 


#polymerartchallenge 2


A virtual tour