A virtual tour

For a long time we have wanted to be able to show people the home that their donations DSCN0548helped to build.  We were very happy when Malcolm dai arrived and offered to take some videos! We LOVE our home. Have we said that before? We love the fact that we have an organised, light, large place to work in. We love that people can share their problems with Kopila in private in our office. We love that our kitchen is sunny and has a tap inside.  Have a look here to get a tour of our ground floor.Kumari, her son and Yashoda love the room they share and the fact that they have a bathroom inside. They do a fantastic job as caretakers of our building.  We will write more about this later but at the moment we are facing a hard time in the east with many strikes. Travel is impossible so Deepa, who relies on her income working in our Cooperative to support her blind father can stay in our building which she loves.We don't actually LOVE the fact that we live on building site but we love what isDSCN0270 happening up there.  It's all action as you can see here. Construction Nepali style.  There is a new large room, positively light drenched, that will become our work room so we have fewer interruptions.  Kumari and Yashoda will move upstairs and will be joined by Bishnu.Now take care on the stairs as you head up to the roof. There are no rails as our intrepid cameraman discovered.  Eventually the solar panels donated by Barefoot will go up here. We will have a covered area for summer and there will be a lovely sunny corner where we can sit in Winter. We can dry seeds up here, conduct training, do our washing, and have our meals sometimes. Our personal picnic place!  As you read this, the builders are cementing a fence to stop small people from falling off which is a very good thing!


#polymerartchallenge 1 and see us at work


Secret Women's Business