Cutting edge technology
A quick post, hot on the heels of the last one but we are very excited....Last year, Cynthia Tinapple of Polymer Clay Daily carried over a slicing machine designed by Carol Simmons and Craig Brodahl. Under normal circumstances, we would not be able to even think about owning this but Carol and Craig were very generous and made it possible in a very gracious way. It arrived at a really busy time and because we wanted to be very careful with training and safety, we have only begun to regularly use it.We are over the moon. At first, everyone was a little scared of using the slicer but healthy
respect for very sharp things is good and now we are using it with cautious confidence and DELIGHT. We think it will have such a big impact on our work and one thing we have already noticed is that our bead sizes are much more consistent because there is less variability in the thickness of the slices we cut. We are not using it to cut canes as large as those Carol and Craig do but we have found that we can line up several small canes and cut them at once. Each lady was a little bit scared as she knelt down to use the machine but then, after using it for just a short while, would look up and happily sigh and smile and say Kati Ramro? (how good?) or Malai dherai man
parcha (I like this a lot!) Our complicated canes will go further and we are very excited about the applications it has for our creations. We are so grateful to Craig and Carol for working out a way for us to own such a wonderful machine and to Cynthia for carrying it over. DHERAI DHANYABAD.