
There has been a reunion in Birtamod.  Our nomadic Australian returned and the last few days have been a flurry of flowers, catching up and felicitations.  We have shared new designs, outcomes of court cases and applications, feedback from our buyers and love from all the people who support us. Now that we have made some Masala necklaces and Black and White necklaces to fill orders waiting for polymer to arrive, we are able to get stuck into some other things.Over the next few weeks, as well as practising safe and careful slicing with the Simmons Slicer that Craig Brodahl and Carol Simmons made it possible for us to have, we will be doing out first production line of the shisha bangles that Cynthia Tinapple taught us.  Much excitement about that.

And for some days each week, some new ladies will be trained in basic polymer skills by some of the "old" ladies who arebeing trained in further teaching skills.

Five very vulnerable ladies are heading to Kathmandu for programs run by Project Apeiron.  Four are doing a 12 month program and one is doing a short term project.  We are really excited about our collaboration with this organisation which has already helped another woman who came to our doors for help.For many women, coming to Samunnat takes great Courage and leads to an awakening.  An awakening to their rights,their potential and resources they can use.  That is why we called our latest necklace design Jaagariti- which means awakening.  And one of the colours -a fabulous, strong, rich red - is called Courage.  We hope that wearing these necklaces awakens whoever wears them to a particular strength for them.  Maybe it is Courage, or Peace, or Calm, or Clarity.  We put so much love into what we make and we hope this comes over in our creations.


Cutting edge technology


International Women's Day