Our wonderful visitor
We were very excited to meet Sarah Bartram. Sarah is our big buyer (distributor) in Australia from long time and she is also a member of Project Didi. We all wanted to know more about what people think of our jewellery when they see it and buy it. We wanted her feedback about how we keep our quality consistent. But most of all, our more important dream was to learn to speak better English.We always feel very sad that we do not understand and can't welcome visitors in English. We keep trying for year and most of us decided to get admission in the morning 1 hour English class tuition in language institution. It was very Expensive and not very effective. We learned for 6 months but hardly we could learn good
pronunciation.When Wendy Didi and Kopila Didi said that Sarah is a trained ESL teacher and is coming to teach us English language we were very happy and counted the days looking forward to meet with Sarah. On Sunday January 18th she came to our office. We introduced ourselves in English then Sarah started to make a plan how to learn. She wrote on a chart paper and put it on the wall. We kept on practising our lesson every day. We practised to welcome our guest, tell them about making beads and the specific work on each one, and about the family. We also understand two way conversation. Sarah gave us notebooks and pen to write our lesson. We became such a good friend with Sarah because even though we were not good English speakers, we understood each other's communication. Those 5 days were very important in our life because now we feel more confident and less shy to speak English. Here is a short video of us all learning.Sarah's teaching techniques were so efficient and motivating. We enjoyed every moment that we spent with her. We celebrate Goddess Saraswati puja with her and she also bought some sweets for us. Goddess Saraswati is goddess of education ad learning so this was a good time. Finally we all have realized that if Sarah could come next time for 15 days that would be our big gifts from her.