Friendly connections

Last week I went to Kathmandu. I made a plan to meet with Smriti from Asha Nepal.We have thought that one of our lady could get the Psychology counselling course in Kathmandu where Smriti is helping us to find good organization. We also discussed about the cost.While i was there i also want to meet our little girl whom we are supporting at School. After I met Wendy Didi it was very exciting moment to meet with Rochelle from Yakkity Yak. She has been selling our jewelry from three years but we had never got chance to meet her. This was a very lovely meeting and i felt like we have been meeting from long time. I saw that she is a very kind hearted person and so beautiful.Our meeting was in Gaia Restaurant for dinner and i thought may be this was it for now.Next morning as we were looking for our breakfast and we also have to get ready for coming to Birtamod. We set on our table with some food than surprisingly a lady came asking are you Wendy and kopila? We said yes and she said she is a friend of Rochelle. Her name was Sara Parker and she is from Fair connection. It was a very useful meeting with her and we hope she will come to the east where Samunnat belongs to. I feel after having a very interesting and useful conversation with Sara that in education sector could be more effective if people followed her suggestions.


Kopila and Deepa share a dream (Kopila writes)


Cooking up a storm....