Kopila writes about FIMO50 - Part One: Getting there

(Both parts of the report feature the wonderful photos of Georg Dinkel who was the official photographer. Thank you Georg for permission to use these gorgeous photos!)img_0681One morning when I was reading my emails I got this beautiful and very exciting email from Susanne of the Staedtler company.  It was telling me they were going to  donate some money to Samunnat and they would like to invite me and Wendy Didi to visit as guest of honor to their FIMO50 celebration in Nuremberg, Germany.  I screamed so loud that my husband asked What's wrong and I told him there was an invitation.  He was very happy and encouraged me to go ahead.It was not easy just to say Ok I am going. Because I am Nepali, I have all the process for applying visa img_0678and had to wait till the embassy trusted me that I would come back to Nepal. In the process for visa Wendy Didi, Ron Dai and Susanne helped by writing letters to the Germany embassy.  Everything went well and I eventually got the visa and set up the dates with Wendy Didi.I was nervous to fly on my own but we fixed with Wendy Didi and Malcolm Dai that we are going to meet at Munich airport MC Donald's because I would see it.  I flew in 31st of  August from Nepal to Germany.  It was a big opportunity and also big deal for me. I did my preparation before the time. It was really making me excited and bit anxious.Lots of question were rising in my mind. How things will be? Do I get there?  It was my genuineimg_0675 feeling because I belong from eastern part of Nepal I am not use to the western developments.  The elevators, big shopping Malls, Very big cities, wider roads and so many other things all computerised.  My family escorted me till the international airport of Nepal and my journey began to Munich in the Qatar airways.  I was really very scared and trying to find someone who could help me.  Finally a beautiful little girl and her family who was next to my seat helped me to find the my destination.Stay tuned for Part 2 of Kopila's big adventure tomorrow!


Kopila writes about FIMO50 (Part 2: Celebrations and donations)


A Colour Breakthrough and Happy New Year 2073