Meet Deepak

We have been making lots of beads like these. We love every part of making them except...the sanding! We sand in such big quantities and imagewanted an alternative to days and days of sanding by hand. Last week, when she came Wendy bought a vibratory tumbler in her bag to our office. It is a big purchase for us. Even though it was so well packed, it was broken from its journey. When a bad thing happens, we sometimes say Well, no one has died to keep things in perspective. We were very disappointed though. We looked all over Birtamod for parts that could replace the broken pieces but there were none. We thought we would have to keep sanding our beads with our hands for another five months.Then Deepak, who comes to our cooperative came to help us and he imagelooked every where. He found some springs and Wendy said they would fit. We were so nervous when we waited for the electricity to be on so we could see if the new springs worked. We all stood around and Wendy showed us how it came on when the electricity comes on. We were so happy when it was noisy and working! We put in some old, cracked beads to practise and whenever we had power, we turned the tumbler on. The beads were so smooth after many hours and we decided to put in our real beads. They were very smooth and when we polished them they look so beautiful and we are very happy. We are so grateful to Deepak for keeping on looking for what we needed. We gave him the cap that Andrew and Leah* sent us and some sweets.Dhanyabad Deepak!*Our vibratory tumbler is this one from Aussie Sapphire Lapidary Warehouse. Andrew and Leah have been really helpful getting us set up with this and are sending some different springs which will be wonderful!


A colour Breakthrough and Happy New Year 2073


Polymer journeys