Beyond beads....
...and why it is so desperately important we keep selling them!In the week since the office re-opened after the Dashain holiday season, 5 young women in desperately difficult circumstances have come for help. As ladies in our lovely new work room work to fill orders, Kopila meets with women who are scared, vulnerable and overwhelmed. Yesterday she told me the story of one of the ladies. UUK is unusual in Nepal, a woman who elected to not marry. She has been basically abandoned by her family but was able to scrape together some funds and start her own tiny tailoring business. Because of her choices, she is viewed with suspicion and scorn by many in her community.A man sometimes visited to get sewing done. One day he came to the shop when no-one else was there and raped UUK. In her attempts to prevent him, she sustained serious injuries and still needs surgery, which she can't afford, to recover.UUK went to the police and started a case against this man but with no legal guidance, police and defence lawyers are creating huge delays and obstacles. She has just been told that there will now be a two year delay before anything else can happen. With no explanation. UUK lives alone in the same town as the man and he wanders free. She is scared.These are typical of the problems women in Nepal face. Because she lives alone, UUK is suspected of being a prostitute. Many think that prostitutes or women living alone are 'asking for trouble' Because she couldn't afford a lawyer, UUK was misled about the legal process. Tragically, in her first attempt to get support, the organisation she approached seems to have kept the funds obtained in her name for themselves. In desperation, UUK has approached Samunnat asking for assistance with her case and with finding safety. Kopila suspects corruption and headed off to the courts yesterday to start to get answers. This will be a long process.Kopila reported that more and more women are coming to Samunnat from beyond Jhapa. Women from the neighbouring districts of Ilam and Sunsari are travelling to Samunnat. This means we will have to use funds to pay lawyers in those areas when the distance is too great for Kopila to travel.As you think about gifts for Christmas, please look at the necklaces and bracelets in our etsy shop, or make your own art from the beads from Kazuri West. Buy from the galleries and distributors who sell our work. You are buying more than necklaces and beads. You are helping to ensure that women like UUK get the legal representation they deserve; that they get the medical treatment they need; that they get the training they need to be able to earn an income and survive.I head back to Nepal in a few weeks and the etsy shop will have to close so please shop soon! To our dear readers, thank you for your support and love.