Kopila at Eurosynergy Part Two: The IPCA Conference

The conference was in the Hotel Dolmen in Valetta. It was very huge. I have never been to such hotels. One really memorable incident was the lift.  Every time, I feel very DSCN5045nervous to be on the lift on my own so I don`t want to leave Wendy Didi.  But one  day I wanted to try to be my own in the lift so I was trying to find out the button to open the door of the lift. I was pressing and pressing on the wrong side of the lift! One person saw me doing this so he showed me the right way.  I felt a little ashamed. I realized that we were from the very small village and haven’t seen like this anything before.IMG_2496People were very friendly and lovely.  I liked to share so many things with oneIMG_2529 another and also want to make friends. It was very hard due to lack of language.  Where as I felt very proud of my English in my village but in Malta I felt like it was not enough.  I thought I needed to improve my communicating skill.  I had never attended the conference like this before so obviously it was very Big for me.  I always want to ask questions about how can we do better than we are doing now. (L: With Dan Cormier and Tracy Holmes.  R: With German artist Anke Humpert)IMG_2570I saw very beautiful pieces of polymer jewellery and started to think of ours. Before the display I was thinking  we were very  basic  but when we sold our jewellery I feel very proud. People had admired our work. When people appreciated our work I thought of the ladies and I started to cry.  My eyes were wet every time. One other exciting event was our presentation. I felt very happy when we got aIMG_2421 standing ovation.One thing I never forget is the breakfast items which was out of my thoughts! (R: With Cynthia Tinapple and her husband Blair Davis) [Ed: Sure wasn't much of the traditional Nepali breakfast of dal bhat to be found!]Many times I have shared my memories of my conference stay with our Samunnat Ladies.  The first thing ladies wanted to hear was about their jewellery and what people thought of it. Second, they wanted to know what other people made and new things to learn. Thirdly, they wanted to know if people like our New Home.I would like to thank to IPCA committee who helped us to participate in the conference. I would also like to thank you to Dear Wendy Didi for every step I took for the Malta visit. She encouraged me, took care of me.  Even crossing the road I catched her finger in Malta.  I felt very relieved and calm during our stay in Malta. As I said in our presentation:  I would never have thought that one day I would be physically present to be here in front of my dear friends.  I would never have dreamed that and it is like a miracle.  I want to say a big thank to... the IPCA who have helped me to be here.... To you all DHERAI DHANYABAD. 


Yashodha and Kumari have a new home!


Kopila writes about Eurosynergy (Part One: Getting there)