A building emerges...from the waters?
Well, monsoonal rain isn't going to make building any easier and we did have to just wait for a while but the building process has begun again in earnest. Every day, one of the ladies leaves her work to go down to our block, about ten minutes walk away, to monitor the progress. For a while, work consisted of removing the water
but we can really see much more happening now as these photos show!While we wait, we continue to work on orders and plan!!! Recently, we met with many other community organisations and other NGOs to start agitation about a safety house in our district. There is nothing like this available and we have been trying to get this happening for a long while. Now that we have a group of people working together, we may see some results. The huge issue here is security which is why we simply MUST have government
endorsement and support.We will keep you posted with developments but for now....look at our building!