Ambika, Rita, Sita and Sharmila have something to say!

Over the last couple of weeks, the ladies and the board members have been meeting with people to talk about the building. Because of the support we have had, we are able to consider the possibility of installing a solar panel and are currently investigating this. We have met with builders and are starting to accumulate the supplies DSCN0668we will need.  Things are done a little differently to how they are done in other places and the process is not always smooth (may be that is not so different to other places!).  We hope that in a few weeks, we will be able to start posting some photos of the progress.Yesterday, we posted some of things that the ladies want to say and here are some more of their thoughts: Ambika says that she is very happy about the land but that now she is MORE happy that now on this land we are going to build our office and that this is all because people have been so generous. She wants to say Dherai, dherai dhanyabad! DSCN0745Rita says: I would like to say that we always were wondering when we would next be told to move and that this was sometimes making us feel vulnerable. After building our house we will not have this feeling of being so vulnerable and this is why I want to thank you from my heart so deeply.  All you people who have supported us and to the people who even got us to where you heard that we needed the money, thank you.DSCN0717Sita says: We are vulnerable and we do not have a safe place to say what we feel or to come when we are in trouble or to empower ourlseves. This building will be our safe haven to come to.And Sharmila says: I would like to say to all the people who have donated to us-all the support and love-thank you. When Samunnat started, it was just a small group of people and we sometimes felt alone. But now we do not feelDSCN0672 alone. We feel like we are united with other people.  And this makes us feel supported even from people who have never met us or known us. The new building will be the symbol of this, that there are no boundaries to the connection between us.Even more thank you messages tomorrow so we hope you are all feeling very appreciated!


Kumari, Kopila and Kazuri


To didi and dai and our many friends...