Check out our Etsy shop

DSCN3481There is so much happening right now so keep coming back to see what's happening.  There will be BIG news soon on how we are going with our fundraising for the building.  Grateful tears have been shed.  We'll say no more.  About that anyway. Yet.  But give us a couple of days. And no one is mentioning a proper cement roof instead of a potentially leaky tin one.While you are writhing in suspense, check out the Etsy shop.  A box of goodies arrived (after an unscheduled sojourn in Singapore) and every day for the next five or so, we'll be adding a new item to our store.  Some magnificent stuff.  Wonderful rich colours for the Southern Winter coming up and fabulous Summery colours for the Northern shoppers.  Amazing thatDSCN3479 single items can cross seasons and cultures so marvellously isn't it?Take a peek and drop in again soon. Spend while the post mistress is in the country.


To didi and dai and our many friends...
