Pillars and posts
Over the years we've had wonderful support and encouragement from many people. People who in our tentative, early days gave us a generous and confidence-building kick start; a donation that meant we could broaden our vision, target our programs more specifically and dream of getting on our own feet; people who providegracious, regular, vital support that enables Kopila to do what she does; people who have donated time, energy, chutzpah and humour at times when our time, ener
gy, chutzpah and humour levels were low! There are people who help us with the stuff some of us aren't too great at, like IT and maths (big thanks to Cynthia, Dad and Jen who manages our Facebook presence ). There are people who share their own stories and encourage us to dream. People like Deb, Alice and Arcadia who are such a force for getting back out there and carrying on!) We could be dropping pictorial hints and naming names for pages. We do not for one second ever take any of this for granted.Over the past fortnight, we are seeing it again...incredibly timely support. Ron Lehocky and Cynthia Tinapple's call to arms has yielded over $6000 so far from people all over the world-over 100 people from over 10 different countries have donate
d towards our building fund and have sent us such encouraging and warm messages. We are aiming for $10,000 which will enable us to build a home that will meet the needs of the women who come to us. And give us room to make the beads and necklaces that mean women can earn their own income and Samunnat can keep providing the legal, practical and training support that it want to provide.As Kopila says: Since a very long time we have been working in Samunnat and thinking of a building but before it was always a dream. But when a local man said he was interested to give us land for our building, even then we thought it was impossible because it was too long for us to collect money for the building. But wha
t we have learned now is that even when we thought it was impossible, EVERYTHING is possible because we are connected to you all. Now we understand that Samunnat is not just in Birtamod but it is all over the world. It is in every people’s hearts. I’d love to thank everybody who has given us so much directly and indirectly to make Samunnat’s power grow and double. Cynthia and Ron are pillars of Samunnat and when the building is ready, and as long we live, they will be in our hearts. We will always feel them in our building.and will be reinforced by the connection we have with such a loving community. Dherai dhanyabad.