Kalpana's story
Namaste, this is Kopila writing the blog this time!! I am very excited about this one.I remember the day when Kalpana’s father came to me with tears and pain. She was thrown away from her husband's house because she was Adhibasi (an indigenous group) even though they had a love marriage.Her husband was very cruel to her and her family. He was clever too. He tricked a dowry out of them a sneaky way. Dowry is not really legal but often demanded. He told her family to give him all they had to help him as a support to start his business. He spent all the money in gambling and drinking. Then after, he left her in a room and ran away. Now she is with her parents.Kalpana joined us and started computer training and after completing Photoshop training, she wanted to be independent and tried for job. We also helped her to find a vacancy. Finally one day she came and was cheering and told us that she got a job in a local office. She said it was an NGO (Non-profitable Government Organisation) and we congratulated her.But soon she realised that the NGO’s office was fake. It was not registered as the government office. The NGO’s members' motive was to cheat innocent people and to make money. She didn’t signed any papers which could be illegal and and did not want to be involved where she could find guilt. She left that job but didn’t lose her hope and kept on trying for another. Finally she got an idea to start her own skill and became independent. So she started a shop where she developed people’s digital photos because she was skilled in Photoshop. Now she is very happy. She earns money and fulfills her basic needs. She visits us at the office in her leisure time. Our ladies went to the shop where they found her very busy in her work. Now her father is very proud of her daughter.Postscript: We are speaking with some people from an Italian NGO who may be able to help "Maya" mentioned a couple of months ago, with some cooking training. We will keep you posted!