Bringing knowledge to the neighbourhood

Over a year ago, Samunnat was awarded a grant from the Australian government. Our initial vision was to build a local community centre as a meeting and learning hub. It would start with a program developed by an organisation in Kathmandu for young women. But nothing went smoothly! Samunnat’s building plan didn’t go ahead. A partnership with a training organisation in Kathmandu didn’t work out. And there were unexpected complications in getting the money through Nepali government officials. So the Australians agreed that Samunnat could design their own program – and take it to the masses! We planned to deliver the program to the many and diverse neighbourhoods that make up the Birtamod and Arjundhara municipalities – in temples, schools and community halls.

Many young people said they had not heard this kind of information before

There was no time to do a needs analysis! So, what were the big needs? Psychological health was clearly very important. From listening to families and young people, we knew that there was confusion and fear about emotional problems and self-harm. Sex education is also very important because Nepal has a very traditional culture where sex is not discussed openly. There is also a big problem with living safely with the internet and social media. Finally, we thought a lot about the problems of working outside Nepal due to the lack of local job opportunities. Was it too much?

However, we planned a one-day program that introduced these issues. We asked several local facilitators to lead sessions on psychological and sexual health, and asked police and returned workers to talk about online safety and issues of working outside Nepal. It was to be delivered in 18 neighbourhoods. Again, was it too much?

Well, the program was actually delivered in all 18 neighbourhoods that we planned. The feedback was that it was really useful information and they wanted more. We planned for 25 participants at each site, targeting young people aged 19-25.

All sessions were full, or more than full. In some areas, so many young people had gone to work outside Nepal that we opened the sessions to interested parents and community members.

The program, facilitated by 22 presenters, was attended by over 450 people. In the end, the program, which had a very shaky start, yielded very good results. People gained a lot of useful knowledge but they also wanted more information. Samunnat strengthened its relationships with local health workers, police and the community. And Samunnat’s reputation as a trusted community organization grew significantly.

So, this was not the end. It was a good start and helps us plan for the future. We have some good ideas on how we can bring more education and help our community. One very important comment among the many positive responses was – ‘We need less talk and more practical action’. This project is not an example of ‘money spent, program delivered, goals met, work done’.

As we are part of our community, it is our responsibility to act on it and do what we say we will. That is what we will do.


Seeing is believing